Vampire-Net- A Vampire Diaries és a Twilight rajongói oldala

Mindenkit szeretettel üdvözlök a Vampire-Neten!

Az oldal a két leghíresebb vámpíros sorozattal és filmmel foglalkozik. A Twilight és a Vampire Diaries meghódította a világot, a színészek óriási hírnévre tettek szert és nap, mint nap interjúkat adnak, műsorokba hívják meg őket. Többet szeretnél megtudni a színészekről? Napra kész spoilereket akarsz olvasni? Látogass el a és mindig jól informált lehetsz kedvenc filmeidről és annak színészeiről! Jó böngészést kívánok!

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Szerkesztő: Juni

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The Vampire Diaries
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The Twilight Saga
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GALÉRIA: Rengeteg kép a színészekről és a filmről, sorozatről egyaránt. régi/új

MÉDIA: Angol és magyar nyelvű interjúk tömkelege. A film/sorozat előzetesei, paparazzi videók, színfalak mögötti felvételek...

FÓRUM: Tárgyaljátok ki a legérdekesebb és legkülönlegesebb témákat az oldal fórumán. Karbantartás alatt!

GRAFIKA: Saját készítésű ikonok, naptárak és az általatok beküldött munkák.

Oldal info

Szerkesztő: Juni
Oldal: Vampire-Net
Téma: The Twilight Saga & The Vampire Diaries
Nyitás: 2011.03.14.
Böngésző: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
Tárhely: Gportal
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YouTube csatorna: Juni1461

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Ha a borítókat akarod megnézni, kattints a kis képekre.

The Hunter (1994)

(New York Times Bestseller!)

Jenny wants to get her boyfriend, Tom, a special game for his birthday party.  However, she can’t help but be fascinated by the boy with the white-blond hair who sells her a strange game as a present.  It turns out that the boy, Julian, is the youngest of those from the Shadow Lands, a race of evil beings who live invisibly just beside our own world.  Once Jenny opens the game, she is in his land.  Julian is determined to seduce her, but he has to work by a set of inflexible rules, only touching Jenny where she has reached for him.  In the fantasy house that Julian has created, where everyone at the party must face their greatest fear, Julian himself is Jenny’s worst nightmare. . . and maybe her dream lover, as well.

The Chase (1994)

(New York Times Bestseller!)

Jenny begins to get terrifying phone calls and soon it’s clear that Julian is loose is the real world.  More and more, Jenny falls under his spell, allowing herself the freedom to do as she likes, no matter the consequences.  It seems that Jenny has chosen Julian over Tom.  But then her friends are disappearing, sucked into the Shadow Lands, paper dolls left in their places.  Can Jenny outwit Julian without giving in to his demands entirely?

The Kill (1994)

(New York Times Bestseller!)

Jenny returns to the place where it all began; her grandfather’s house, where as a child she first met the child-Julian.  A door with a strange rune on it opens to the most fantastic creation of Julian’s of all: an empty amusement park that Jenny loved as a child.  Except here, all the rides are deadly.  More, Jenny must survive her confrontations with an increasingly frustrated and determined Julian.  Will he really kill her if he can’t have her?  Jenny forces him to make the choice—and two worlds are changed forever.

The Initiation

Shy, sixteen-year-old Cassie falls in love with the mysterious Adam before moving to New Salem, thinking she’ll never see him again.  But as it turns out, Adam is there, too, at a high school where a strange elite rule. Beautiful fair-haired Diana, whom Cassie learns to love as a sister; voluptuous dark Faye, who wants to turn Cassie into her puppet.  The greatest surprise: Cassie, like the other elite boys and girls, is a witch!  And then Cassie discovers that Adam is actually the boyfriend of gentle Diana, now her best friend and the leader of the coven!

The Captive

Adam and Cassie have sworn not to love each other for the sake of their beloved leader Diana.  But Faye has caught them in their one embrace.  Now she uses it to blackmail Cassie, forcing Cassie to lie to Diana and to dig up the strange crystal skull that gives them all such dangerous visions.  Meanwhile, students are being murdered, and the witches are under suspicion.  And Faye wants from Cassie the ultimate betrayal: her vote for Faye as coven leader.

The Power

Faye rules the Circle, while Diana reels from Cassie’s apparent treachery.  Cassie and Adam are drawn more strongly together than ever.  A new principal appears who seems to know all the Circle’s secrets and is dedicated to persecuting them.  Cassie, no longer the shy girl she was only a few months ago, takes charge in solving the murders, the mystery of the crystal skull, and the true meaning of the Secret Circle.  Her reward is her dream come true.

The Strange Power

  (New York Times Bestseller!)

Is the first book in the trilogy. In this we first see Kaitlyn Fairchild: the resident witch in her school. Kait doesn’t deliberately practice witchcraft, but every so often she gets the urge to draw. The problem is that the pictures are mysterious and macabre . . . and they always end up coming true before Kaitlyn can figure out what they mean. Given the chance to transfer to the Zetes Institute, a small boardinghouse school populated only by teens like Kait, with strange powers, Kaitlyn jumps at the chance. But neither the Institute nor Dr. Zetes is what they seem . . .

The Possessed 

(New York Times Bestseller!)

Having discovered what Dr. Zetes really wants them for—and what happened to their predecessors at the Institute, Kaitlyn and her friends Anna, Lewis, Rob, and Gabriel have to run for their lives. In doing so, Kaitlyn discovers that Gabriel is a vampire—but that he feeds directly on human life-energy. Kait is caught between golden Rob, the healer, and wicked Gabriel Wolfe, who may just be using her for his own purposes.

The Passion

(New York Times Bestseller!)

Finally having found a weapon with which to fight Dr. Zetes, Kaitlyn and the others return to the Zetes Institute. But no one is ever exactly what they seem, and the triple-twist ending of the book has one of Kait’s suitors backing off, seeing the passion she shares with the other.

Secret Vampire

The Night World isn’t a place.  It’s the world of vampires, witches, and shapeshifters who live in the human world—by their own rules.  And the first two rules of the Night World are simple: 1) Never tell any human about its existence, and 2) Never fall in love with a human.  Spunky, sassy Poppy has always been in the best of health.  Until today, when she discovers that she has a rare disease, and only weeks to live.  James, her best friend, and the coolest boy at school, is confronted with a frightening decision.  He can make Poppy a vampire like him, or he can let her die.  But telling Poppy about the Night World is almost as dangerous as letting her die of a human disease, for he’s broken both of the Night World’s rules, and fallen in love with her.

Daughters of Darkness

  Mary-Lynnette, seventeen, loves to watch the stars from her Oregon backyard.  Then one day, she thinks she’s witnessed a murder through her telescope.  She’s wrong: it’s only three vampire sisters burying their mysteriously-killed aunt.  Mary-Lynnette, by the laws of the Night World, must become kin to the sisters or be sentenced to death: a sentence that seems to be sealed when their brother Ash appears.  Gorgeous, lazy Ash has never dreamed that he could fall in love with a human, but it seems that Mary-Lynnette doesn’t want him on any terms because of his lurid vampire past.  Can a now-repentant Ash convince Mary-Lynnette to let him atone for his former sins and be his soulmate.


Thea and Blaise are cousins, and witches, and as different as day and night.  They even belong to different witch covens, Circle Twilight, for the not-so-wicked-witches and Circle Midnight for the real hellions.  In fact, Granny Harman, the Witch Leader, often compares them to Hellewise and Maya, the sisters who were the mother of all witches and the very first vampire, respectively.  But when Thea breaks the laws of the Night World and falls in love with Eric, an ordinary human boy, she has unexpectedly to rely on the whims of Blaise or both she and Eric are doomed.  This is the book in which Circle Daybreak debuts.

Dark Angel

Childlike, innocent Gillian Harman is trying to save a baby she hears crying in the woods when, to her own surprise, she dies!  Even more surprising is her guide in the afterlife, Gary Fargeon, an “angel” with a great body and a gorgeous face.  Returned to life, Gillian listens to her dark angel in all things . . . and soon finds herself anything but childlike and innocent.  But things are not what they seem, and even angels can make mistakes.  Soon Gillian is on a quest to find out just what deed Gary committed to strand him in the afterlife; and to find out the secret of where she belongs in a world she never knew existed: the Night World.

The Chosen

Rashel Jordan lost her mother to a golden-eyed vampire at the age of five—and just barely saved herself by her wits.  She’s grown up to the age of seventeen as a vampire hunter—the best.  But when a group of hunters captures Quinn and decides to torture him, Rashel feels something in her soul twist.  Left alone with Quinn, she goes along with her mad impulse and allows him to escape.  But Quinn, a vampire with one of the darkest reputations in the Night World warns her not to expect him to return the favor.  Nevertheless, when Rashel gets herself chosen for a bloodfeast and finds that Quinn is in charge of gathering girls for the dark ceremony!  Enemies—and soulmates—what will happen during their final fight?


Sixteen-year-old Hannah goes to a psychologist to understand the meaning of her the notes she keeps finding—in her own handwriting.  “Dead before 17,”  “He’s coming,” “Watch out.”  Only under hypnosis is their cryptic meaning revealed.  Hannah is actually an Old Soul, a girl who has been reincarnated many times and can remember her past lives.  And in every one of them, the fair-haired stranger appears—and Hannah loves him—and Hannah dies at age16.  Meanwhile, the leader of all the vampires of Circle Daybreak, all those who have human soulmates, Lord Thierry, is searching.  He’s looking for her—the girl he loved and accidentally killed thousands of year ago.  Who will find Hannah first—her vampire soulmate, or Maya, the first of all the vampires who has murdered Hannah a thousand times to keep her from Thierry.  And who will Hannah believe when they do find her?


Jez, with flaming red hair and silvery blue eyes, is the epitome of the wild teenage vampire, riding her motorcycle and chasing skinheads through the woods.  She and Morgead regularly challenge each other for leadership of the gang, and Jez believes—naturally enough—that the handsome, dark-haired vampire hates her.  But suddenly the world changes for Jez.  She discovers that she has no right to the Night World, because one of her parents was human.  Now Jez has turned into a vampire huntress, and one with a special job: find one of the four Wild Powers who can fight off the Apocalypse, the end of the world.  To do so, though, she must challenge her dearest enemy once again for the leadership—knowing that she has only half-vampire Powers.

Black Dawn

Maggie is the picture of an ordinary human teenager.  Yet when her brother’s lovely girlfriend reports that he has been killed in a mountaineering accident, she knows it is a lie.  The chase leads her to discover an entire community of human slaves ruled by vampires in the hollow of a Washington mountain.  There also, she finds Delos, the second of the Wild Powers, the vampire ruler of this kingdom where she is a slave—and her soulmate.  Her modern clothes cause the other slaves to hail her as a messiah come to bring them freedom. Can even level-headed Maggie deal with her arrogant soulmate and an entire kingdom to be freed?


  Keller is a seventeen-year-old shapeshifter, a panther, who goes by her last name only.  She’s an operative for Circle Daybreak and her mission is simple: find the third Wild Power who can fend off the Apocalypse.  Keller does find Iliana, and much more, as well: a dragon in the shape of a human, and her own liege lord Galen.  So, she learns: dragons walk the Earth again, even if in disguise.  And Iliana is as far from a serious Wild Power as Keller can imagine.  A love triangle quickly develops between the handsome princely Galen, the exquisite but bubble-minded Iliana, and Keller—who counts herself out with her favorite saying, “I’m just a grunt.”  Life has surprises in store for the cynical, embittered Keller, and her opinions of both Galen and Iliana are in for a radical change.


Night World Series. Simon & Schuster 2008 - 2009
Night World No. 1 Secret Vampire; Daughters of Darkness; Spellbinder  (New York Times Bestseller!)  Night World No. 2 Dark Angel; The Chosen; Soulmate (New York Times Bestseller!)  Night World No. 3 Huntress, Black Dawn, Witchlight (New York Times Bestseller!)
It's primarily about vampires, but it also mixes in werewolves, shapeshifters, witches, etc. In these stories, you'll find vampires who've fallen helplessly in love with their human soulmates--but it's the law that any Night Person who loves a human must be punished by death. If you like Damon, you'll probably also like the vampires Ash Redfern, Quinn, and Morgead--not to mention James Rasmussen of Secret Vampire, the first book in the Night World Series..

The Night of the Solstice

My first published book, begun in high school, finished in college. Also, my only middle-grade books, for ages 9-11. Four children are recruited by a talking vixen who is the familiar of Morgana Shee, a sorceress who has disappeared. By traveling through the mirrors in Morgana’s house they can reach the Wildworld, where the same house has been transformed into a castle . . . with the sorceress locked in one of the rooms . . . but which?

Heart of Valor

The second book in the trilogy about the adventures of the Hodges-Bradley children. By now, Janie is Morgana’s apprentice, studying to become a sorceress herself, while Alys, against her will, is forced into the role of a sword-wielding hero. Charles is still in love with the mercurial elf Elwyn, and Claudia’s courage is tested along with her ability to talk to animals.

Mirrors of Heaven

I’ve gotten so many requests to finish this trilogy with the last book that when I have finished with Vampire Diaries and Strange Fate, I just might write this book about the magical gem called Mirror of Heaven. (L. J. Smith)

Aktuális epizód/film

4x23 Graduation

Következő epizód


5x01 -
Csatorna: The CW
Időpont: 2013. október 3.
A Vampire Diaries viharos negyedik évadában Mystic Falls világa fenekestül felfordult, amikor a gyönyörű és együttérző Elena Gilbert szembenézett legrosszabb rémálmával - a vámpírléttel. Amíg Elena igyekezett kordában tartani új erejét és a nyomasztó vérszomját, megdöbbentő információ derült ki: létezik gyógymód a vámpírságra, és talán Damon és Stefan Salvatore képes megszerezni azt. A gyógymód utáni kutatás a testvérpárt, Elena öccsét, Jeremy-t, és a lány legjobb barátját, Bonnie-t és Caroline-t egy szörnyű ütközethez vezeti a halhatatlan Silas-hez, akit eltemettek a gyógymóddal több mint 2000 éve. De Elena nem az egyetlen vámír, aki újra emberi életet szeretne élni. A kérdés, ki kaparintja meg a gyógymódot és lehet újra ember a lélegzetelállító évadzáróban, a váratlan öröm, a kimondhatatlan bánat, és egy igazi szerelmi vallomást követően. A sorozat 5. évadában néhányan egyetemre mennek. Egy új, meggyógyult vámpír próbál túlélni emberként, és a sokkoló Salvatore rejtélyre is fény derül.
Előzetes: -

The Originals

Csatorna: The CW
Időpont: 2013. október 15.
TartalomCsaládban van az erő. Az Ősök családja ezer évvel ezelőtt megesküdött, hogy mindörökké összetart.  Most több évszázad telt el és a családi kötelék megszakadt. Az idő, a tragédiák és az éhség darabjaira szakította szét az Ősök családját. Amikor Klaus Mikaelson, az ősi vámpír-vérfarkas hibrid titokzatos hírt kap arról, hogy készülődik ellene valami a természetfeletti olvasztótégelyben, New Orleans Francia negyedében, visszatér abba a városba, amit családjával segített felépíteni. Klaus, miközben a kérdések után kutat, korábbi ördögi pártfogoltjával, Marcellel találkozik, egy szarkasztikus vámpírral, aki New York összes emberi és természetfeletti lakóját az irányítása alatt tartja. Azzal a szándékkal, hogy segítsen testvérének, Elijah követi Klaust és hamarosan kiderül, hogy a vérfarkas Hayley is a Francia negyedbe látogatott, hogy nyomokat keressen a családja történetéről, amikor egy nagyerejű boszorkány, Sophie karmai közé került. A feszültség lassan a tetőfokra hág, ahogy mindenki Marcel parancsát és szabályait követi. Klaus számára elképzelhetetlen, hogy engedelmeskedjen pártfogoltjának, így megfogadja, hogy visszaszerzi egykori erejét, a várost, és a családját. Miközben arra várnak, hogy húguk, Rebekah elhagyja-e Mystic Falls-t és csatlakozik-e hozzájuk, Klaus és Elijah kényszerszövetséget kötnek a boszorkányokkal, hogy New Orleans újra az irányításuk alá kerüljön. A sorozatban Joseph Morgan formálja meg Klaust, Daniel Gillies Elijah-t, Claire Holt Rebekah-t, Pheobe Tonkin Hayley-t, Charles Michael Davis Marcelt, Daniella Pineda Sophie-t, Leah Pipes Camit, és Danielle Campbell Davinát.

Aktuális film: Breaking Dawn 2.

Breaking Dawn 2.rész: A MOZIKBAN!!!

Gyártás éve: 2012
Rendező: Bill Condon
Mozipremier: 2012. november 16.

Miután Renesmee megszületik Cullék vámpírklánokat toboroznak annak érdekében, hogy megvédjék a gyermeket egy téves vádtól, ami miatt a családnak a Volturival kell szembenéznie.

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Vampire Diaries Twitter

"Elena Gilbert

"Damon Salvatore

"Caroline Forbes

"Bonnie Bennett



Twilight Twitter

@TheAlexMeraz "Paul"

"Alice Cullen"

"Charlie Swan"

"Seth Clearwater"




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